About NNPR Inc.
Our Dream
We are certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) for sustainable seafood, and by the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) for responsibly farmed fish.
Nick Sakagami is the owner of NNPR Inc. and the author of Sushi Master. He is the only Osakana Meister outside of Japan.
Nana Kitahara is fluent in Spanish, Japanese, and English. She is also an expert in cooking fish and perishable logistics.

Our Book

Nick Sakagami is the only person outside of Japan to earn the designation osakana meister. In Sushi Master, he introduces the fundamentals of sushi, starting with the fish. Photography from Tokyo's Tsukiji fish market offers an inside look at where the best fish in the world is bought and sol, and a deep dive into the tools, techniques, and etiquette of sushi ensure you'll never look at a California roll the same way again.
Sushi Master is your definitive guide to mastering the art of sushi.
Today, the fish we eat are being consumed at a dangerous rate. In just a few decades, many common fish will be in very short supply. It is a simple fact that if the seafood industry is to continue to exist without drastic price increases in the future, we need to change to more sustainable fishing and farming methods. We dream that the entire seafood industry will switch to sustainable methods, so that our great-great-grand kids will still be able to eat reasonably priced seafood, and that marine ecosystems are not globally ruined.